The first step to integrate your online store with your Photoslurp account is to sync your store's product feed, in all languages available in your online shop, with Photoslurp.
By importing all available languages from the online shop into a single catalog, our platform will detect the enabled languages and provide specific language fields for each product attribute, allowing the widget to display the product information in the different languages and regions configured.
There are two ways of doing this integration:
Google Shopping Feed
If your store already provides a feed (or feeds) that follows the Google Product Feed specification, there is nothing else that you need to do here. Just make sure that the file is available at a publicly accessible URL, and then prepend the feed/s URL/s with the following:
XX = Letter language code (e.g.: en or en_us).
YYY = 3 letter currency code (e.g.: usd or eur).
ZZ = the URL of the Google Product feed in XML or CSV/TSV format (e.g.: In case the URL includes additional parameters to those mentioned above, we recommend encoding it to avoid possible importing errors.
The product feed structure must follow the RSS 2.0 specification to be compatible with our parser.
Important: Ensure that the language and currency code you use here are the ones used by your eCommerce platform.
When the URL is ready, you can go to STEP 2 - Creating a Product Catalog in the Photoslurp dashboard, to sync your feed with Photoslurp.
You can also use a standard CSV file that contains the product information. Ensure this file is hosted on your server and that you have the URL for it as you will need this URL in the next step of the setup process. The CSV file must conform to the following:
- The separator must be the pipe symbol '|'.
- The file must be UTF-8 encoded.
- A header row must be included containing the following values:
Note: <langcode> values will need to be adapted to your configuration as described below. - The sku, title, url and image_url fields are mandatory, all other fields are optional. Nevertheless, we recommend providing as many fields as possible because extra fields enable advanced features that can help you build a better experience for your visitors.
- The group ID can be used to group variants within one ID.
- The <langcode> suffixes appended to "title", "description", "url" and "in_stock" fields can be in any existing language code format (i.e. en, en-us, en_US) and they only need to be included in the header row of the file.
These language codes are the mechanism by which our platform knows about the localised versions of the products that the widgets on your site/s will request. You can create multiple columns for the title, description, URL, and stock fields for every language that you want to include.
Note: Make sure that the language code suffixes provided in the header row match the language codes used in your eCommerce platform. - The values for the in_stock column are either 'in stock' or 'out of stock'. This column is only necessary if you plan on using the ‘stock sync’ feature in Photoslurp.
- Product types should include category information for the product should you wish to use our widget category filtering options. Category names can be separated by a comma or by an angle bracket to depict hierarchy. (e.g. "Summer sales, "BrandXYZ", Men > Shoes > Running shoes)
You can download and examine this product feed example that will help you understand the product feed specifications.
Note: Please ensure that your eCommerce platform exports the product feed file on a regular basis so that it contains the most up to date product information. Our platform will download the product feed every 24 hours.
Multilingual sites
Multilingual sites are indeed supported in our platform. You can find more information on how to configure Photoslurp to work with multilingual sites in this article.