For us to calculate and provide your conversion rates, photo analytics and details on how effective our platform has been, we require you to add the following analytics code to your payment confirmation page:
<!-- Start Photoslurp Embed Code -->
var photoSlurpTrackingSettings = {
products: {
'SKU1': {count:1, price:20, currency: 'eur'},
'SKU2': {count:1, price:10.99, currency: 'eur'}
orderId: 'ORDER NUMBER',
albumId: ALBUMID
(function() {
var d=document,
<!-- End Photoslurp Embed Code -->
Important Notes
Please replace the sample values with the values from the completed order, using your platforms templating engine variables:
- SKU1, SKU2 and their corresponding values must be replaced with the details from your customer's order.
- SKUs being sent must be a parent SKU, not a variant SKU.
- orderId must be the order number in your platform.
- albumId parameter must be the ID of your main Photoslurp campaign.
How to verify that your conversion tracking code is working
To confirm that the tracking code has been set up correctly, you can make some test orders to check if the conversion events are being logged in the Photoslurp Analytics section.
If they aren't, check the code for possible mistakes and contact our Tech Support team providing them with enough information to investigate the issue. To do this you will have to place a test order following these steps:
- Open Chrome Developer Tools as soon as you start the checkout process. This can be done by placing the cursor anywhere on the checkout page, pressing down the right mouse button and clicking on "Inspect".
- Keep the Developer tools section open and complete the checkout until you get to the order confirmation page. Stop at the order confirmation page.
- Click on the "Network" tab in the Developer tools section, then write "photoslurp" in the filter at the top to ignore any requests made to other services by your site at this point.
- Look for a request named "?album_id=XYZ", where XYZ will match the value you placed in the parameter "albumId" of the conversion tracking code, and click on it. This will show you all the information about the request made to our server.
- Scroll down to the "Request Payload" section and take a screenshot. This screenshot will enable us to know which data the request has sent or has tried to send, to our platform.
- Click on the "Console" tab. If the JavaScript code is causing any errors they will be displayed here. Take a screenshot of all messages printed in the console.
- Check the page source code and look for the conversion tracking code. Take a screenshot for us to be able to check it.
- Send us all the screenshots captured during the procedure (request payload, console, page source code)
We have prepared a video to demonstrate how to use the browser's Developer Tools to debug conversion tracking issues. The session was recorded on a test page in which the conversion tracking code has been included to recreate the same procedure you’ll need to follow on your site. Click on this link to view the video