With this Premium Feature, you will be able to automatically get media rights granted for the incoming content generated by both brand's ambassadors and influencers.
This Feature will also allow you to:
- Set apart your brand's influencers content from the rest of the incoming UGC.
- Speed up the Media rights request process, specially since these users have already provided you with their legal permission for content.
- Moreover, you will be able to advance the curation and collecting process by taking a quick look at the content generated by your Influencer Marketing Campaigns.
In order to whitelist users, you must go to 'Campaign' -> 'Settings'
Now, click on the 'Media rights' section and start adding usernames to the 'Whitelisted users for media rights.' subsection.
Note: The usernames need to be separated by commas and you should NOT add the at symbol ('@') to each word.
Note: Remember to save your preferences by clicking on 'Save Settings' before leaving the page.
This is a premium feature. For more information about your Photoslurp package and pricing, contact your CS Manager.