The Content/Editorial Widget feature allows you to easily create small widgets that display a single image that links to a specific product. The user can click on it to access the store's product page.
In order to create one, click on 'Content Widgets' on the left menu of the Photoslurp dashboard. Then, click on the 'Create widget' button and the Widget Editor will show up.
In this view, you must type a Label for the widget and select the Campaign in which the widget will retrieve the content.
You can also apply filters in order select the kind of content that you want for your widget:
1. Product assigned - Enabling this parameter ensures that the widget only displays media that has been assigned to at least one product and is shoppable. This prevents media from showing up in your website that has not been linked to products as yet.
2. Rights granted - Enabling this parameter ensures that the widget only displays media for which you have already been granted media rights, or media that you own.
3. In stock only - Enabling this parameter activates our stock sync feature, ensuring that only media that has been linked to products currently in stock will be shown. If you allow visitors to pre-order out of stock products, this is probably not something that you would want.
4. SKU - Insert a specific product SKU so the widget always displays an image that has this product assigned.
5. Instagram Username - Insert a specific Instagram username so the widget always displays the latest approved image for this username.
In order to insert this widget in your page, you just need to copy its embed code in the Embed Code tab, and then paste it into your page.
Note: This widget uses the default locale that has been set in the Catalog assigned to the Campaign. This means that it can only link to product pages that belong to the default locale
This is a premium feature. For more information about your Photoslurp package and pricing, contact your CS Manager.