There's two ways to allow users to upload to upload their own media content from your website or mobile app, so you can approve it as you see fit and then display it on your widgets. Both methods involve our content submitter, which allows the user to choose a source for their media content and select what they would like to contribute.
Standalone submitter
It's possible to create a submitter that works independently from our widgets. This option is specially useful if you want to allow your users to upload their content from a standalone App.
In order to do so, you just need to create a button with the following URL embedded:
Please note that it's required to fill the URL's parameters with its corresponding values, as explained here:
- setLng - This parameter sets up the submitter's language, and requires a lowercase ISO language code such as "en", "es"...
- album_id - This parameter requires the Campaign ID in which the content will be uploaded. You can check it in the dashboard's "Campaigns" section.
- toc - This parameter requires the URL for your site's "Terms of Use" page, so the user can check how the submitted content will be used.
Widget-dependent submitter
Activate the Widget Editor's "Show submit button" option, which will display a button on top on the widget that opens a popup containing our content submitter.
- Image for loading photos URL - If no media is available for a certain product yet, instead of showing media from other products or outright hiding the widget, a third option exists where you can show a banner enticing visitors to upload content. This parameter accepts the URL to an image that can be used for this purpose.
- Submission CSS URL - Allows you to add a link to a CSS Stylesheet in the case that you want to modify the visual style of the submission uploader.
- Terms of Use link - All visitors that submit content through the widget are asked to agree to your terms and conditions before their content is accepted. This parameter accepts the URL to your terms and conditions page.